2023 Meetings and Events

Our regular combined monthly Hocking County Republican Central Committee & Executive Committee meetings are usually held at the Cornerstone Baptist Church located on St. Rt. 328 in Logan Ohio. If for some reason there is a conflict with the scheduling of our meeting room at the church, we move our meetings to our Republican Headquarters located at 8 E. Hunter St. Logan Ohio.


10/23/2023 Central and Executive Committee Meeting, 6PM at the Cornerstone Baptist Church.

10/15/2023 Deadline to turn in donated items for our Women’s Republican Club On-line Auction.

11/07/2023 Tuesday is Election Day. Vote No on Issues 1 and 2.

11/09/2023 On-line fundraising sale to benefit the Women’s Republican Club headquarters. Come Sale Away on Facebook to conduct the sale. Thursday at 6pm. Many wonderful items to choose from.

12/04/2023 The Hocking County Republican Party holiday gathering will be held at the Cornerstone Baptist Church located on St Rt 328 in Logan Ohio at 6pm. Pot luck, drinks provided.

There will be no regular Central/ Executive Committee meetings in November or December of 2023.


1/22/2024 Central and Executive Committee Meeting, 6PM at the Cornerstone Baptist Church.

2/26/2024 Central and Executive Committee Meeting, 6PM at the Cornerstone Baptist Church.

3/25/2024 Central and Executive Committee Meeting, 6PM at the Cornerstone Baptist Church.

4/22/2024 Central and Executive Committee Meeting, 6PM at the Cornerstone Baptist Church.